
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Is there an officially approved national electrification plan?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the electrification plan developed based on demand assessment and/or geospatial least cost analysis?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there geospatial maps conveying the timeframe of planned grid extension?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Were there any public consultations while developing the plan?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a provision for the plan to be periodically evaluated?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are the electrification plan and the updates publicly available?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan detail how it will be funded?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Targets and implementation
Are there institution(s) responsible for carrying out the following functions:
Setting electrification strategy?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Setting electrification milestones and deadlines?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Coordinating generation, transmission, and distribution plans and their implementation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Reporting progress towards the defined energy access target/milestones with periodic reports?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic progress reports tracking progress towards the defined energy access target?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the tracking get published?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan target a service level (e.g., power availability, number of guaranteed hours of power supply, etc.)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Inclusion of decentralized energy solutions for specific groups
Does the electrification plan include decentralized energy solutions (either/or both mini grids and off-grid systems)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan include productive uses (e.g., agricultural, commercial, and industrial activities)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan include community facilities (e.g., health centers, schools, administrative buildings)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan specifically address the electricity access of vulnerable groups (e.g., female-headed households, informally settled people, displaced people or any other vulnerable group identified in the country context)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan encourage the leveraging of private-sector financing?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Funding support to grid electrification
Does the government have a dedicated funding line or budget for electrification (e.g., funded national program, budget item, rural electrification fund to finance grid extension)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there capital subsidies paid to the utilities to provide distribution systems to rural areas/villages?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Funding support for consumer connections
Are there consumer financing mechanisms (i.e., utility loans, on-bill financing, micro-loans etc.) and/or direct subsidies available to support the payment of connection fees by consumers?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there consumer financing mechanisms targeting specifically vulnerable groups (e.g., low-income households, female-headed households, informally settled people, dsiplaced people and/or any other vulnerable group identified in the country context)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Standards of performance on quality of supply
Does the government specify standards of performance on reliability (e.g. number of guaranteed hours per day, duration of the electricity, frequency of outages, etc.)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a reporting system in place to track standards compliance?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Solar Hybrid Mini Grid Technology Strategy
Are there programs which aim to develop solar hybrid mini grid systems or support the development of solar hybrid mini grid systems?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there programs to support hybridization of diesel mini grids?
Yes - 100, No - 0
If the country has a national electrification strategy and/or plan, does it encourage development of "portfolios" of mini grids (i.e., clusters of mini grids developed and operated by the same developer) instead of site-by-site?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do mini grid developers have access to geospatial data through an online platform, to help them plan their investments?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a national or large-scale program to increase productive uses of electricity for mini grid customers?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a national or large-scale program to engage with communities who are about to receive mini grid electricity or who have just recently received mini grid electricity, to increase awareness, uptake, and demand for electricity services?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there industry associations relevant to mini grid developers?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Financing Framework
Are there publicly funded mechanisms to secure results-based viability gap funding for operators?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there specific debt financing facilities available to support mini grid developers?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there specific risk-mitigation facilities (e.g., foreign exchange risk, first-loss guarantees) available to support mini grid developers?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there duty exemptions for mini grid systems and/or individual components?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Can mini grids be owned and/or operated by private companies?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there opportunities to develop mini grids through both top-down and bottom-up approaches? (Under a bottom-up approach, mini grid developers select their sites; under a top-down approach, the government selects the sites)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Workable Regulations
Are mini grids legally allowed to operate in the country?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there clear registration, permitting or licensing procedures for mini grid operators?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do the regulations clarify what will occur when the main grid reaches a mini grid's service area?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are mini grid operators legally allowed to charge a cost-reflective tariff, even if it is different from the national tariff?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there clear rules that prevent the regulatory authority from unilaterally changing the tariff without due cause and without warning?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there clear rules for how tariffs can be adjusted over time?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there publicly available technical and safety standards detailing the requirements for mini grids?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there publicly available quality of service standards for mini grids (e.g., minimum hours per day, minimum uptime, etc.)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there e-government or other initiatives that reduce bureaucracy that are applicable to mini grids (e.g., one-stop-shop permitting; online processes for tariff submission/review/approval; etc.)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Private Sector Participation
Are there national programs that aim to develop markets for stand-alone systems or support the development of stand-alone system markets, leveraging and/or in cooperation with the private sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Financial Incentives
Are there duty or tax exemptions in place for stand-alone systems?
Yes - 100, No - 0
If yes, are there clear eligibility criteria for subsidies?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is consumer financing, including PAYGO or MFIs, available to support consumers to purchase stand-alone systems?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there support for low-income households to purchase the system / are pro-poor subsidies in place?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there public financing available to companies, such as grant funding or concessional finance?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a financing mechanisms to support the purchase of solar power appliances (either through consumers or companies)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Standards and quality
Has the government adopted international quality standards for stand-alone systems?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there environmental regulations on the disposal of solar devices and stand-alone system products or components?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Cost of subsistence consumption
What is the cost per kWh that a residential consumer pays for the first 30 kWh of consumption per month? If there is a social/ lifeline/poverty tariff, please provide that tariff amount. Provide these details for the following years:
If the percentage x is: X >= 10% - 0 5% < x < 10% - scale x >= 5% - 100
a. 2024
b. 2020
c. 2019
d. 2018
e. 2017
Affordability of the connection fee
What is the electricity connection fee for residential consumers? If there is a subsidy for consumers in the lowest income bracket, please provide the subsidized cost. Provide these details for the following years:
X <= 12 months - 100 X between 12 and 36 months– scale X >= 36 months - 0
a. 2020
b. 2019
c. 2018
d. 2017
Policy to support low-volume consumers
Is there a mechanism to support grid-connected low-volume consumers such as social or lifeline tariff?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a financing mechanisms for vulnerable groups (e.g. low-income households, female-headed households, informally settled people, displaced people and/or any other vulnerable group identified in the country context) regardless of the technology suppply (including grid, mini grid and off-grid)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Does the government track household level data on cooking solutions?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the data publicly available?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the data sex disaggregated, either by distinguishing female-headed households or the main cook of the households?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the data available on fuel use, stove stacking and indoor/outdoor cooking?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the tracking involve checking if the stoves are used in a sustained manner?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Existence of plan
Is there a national or regional plan to scale up access to clean cooking solutions, or is access to clean cooking solutions covered as a part of any other government plan (regardless of the sector)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
If not, is there a draft plan that has been prepared, but not yet been approved?
If yes, does the plan currently in use allocate resources/funds for implementation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Has the plan gone through public consultation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Have public consultations taken the gender-based impact of cooking practices into account?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are clean cooking goals linked to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)? If yes, are the timebound targets specified for various clean cooking solutions?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Institutional capacity
Are there agencies dedicated to the following functions? If yes, please indicate the years in which each institution was given the responsibility(-ies):
Is there a designated agency leading the formulation, as well as implementation, of clean cooking strategy/action plan in coordination with various agencies?
Yes - 100, No - 0
What is the name of the agency?
Is it a government agency or an independent body?
Is there a dedicated budget or funding line?
Is it public funding, private investment or donor support?
Setting, monitoring and enforcing standards for clean cooking solutions
Yes - 100, No - 0
What is the name of the agency?
Is it a government agency or an independent body?
Is there a dedicated budget or funding line?
Is it public funding, private investment or donor support?
Tracking access and adoption of clean cooking solutions
Yes - 100, No - 0
What is the name of the agency?
Is it a government agency or an independent body?
Is there a dedicated budget or funding line?
Is it public funding, private investment or donor support?
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Targets and Implementation Aspects
Does the plan include the goal of reaching universal access to clean cooking for the population targeted in the plan?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan take into account geographical and demographical considerations ?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan include considerations and action items for involving women throughout the supply chain of clean cooking solutions?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan prioritize the most vulnerable consumers?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the plan incentivize transition to tier 3 and above cooking fuels and technologies?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the incentive concessional loan, subsidy, tax waiver or result based finacning?
Which cookstove technologies and type of fuels are mentioned in the plan?
Does the plan include renewable clean cooking fuels such as ethanol, biogas, solar cookers and bio-LPG?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Awareness strategy
Is there a targeted awareness raising strategy to drive adoption of clean cooking solutions?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the strategy take into account geographical and demographical considerations ?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the strategy have targeted messages for both men and women?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the strategy include health aspects?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the strategy aim to involve local community organizations?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Last mile distribution
Is there a last mile distribution strategy in place for cooking fuels?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a last mile distribution strategy in place for cooking technologies?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there last mile distribution strategy for geographically remote areas, rural settlements or poor user segments?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there partnerships between public and private sources for last mile distribution?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there targeted incentives for last mile distribution to geographically remote areas, rural settlements and poor segments?
Yes - 100, No - 0
If yes, what kind of incentives are available?
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Are there standards for the following aspects of clean cooking solutions:
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
If yes, what kind of standards? (eg: PM 2.5)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do the standards align with ISO tiers of performance for the following?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Specify what types of fuels the standards for the following apply to and please indicate the year in which each standard was adopted.
Monitoring and verification
Have the standards been adopted from external standards or developed domestically?
Are the standards mandatory, with a verification and enforcement procedure?
Does the program work with a standards testing facility or lab?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the stove testing facility or lab need to be accredited?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Have the standards been verified through field testing?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Have labeling schemes been adopted for efficiency of clean cooking products?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Have labeling schemes been adopted from emissions of clean cooking products?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the labeling scheme for efficiency of clean cooking products mandatory?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the labeling scheme for emissions from clean cooking products mandatory?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does efficiency labeling align with ISO tiers of performance?
Does emissions labeling align with ISO tiers of performance?
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Consumer Financing mechanisms
Are there specific financing facilities available to support consumers to purchase clean cooking solutions? Please indicate the year in which each financing facility was first made available
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is it public funding, private investment or donor support?
Specify the aspects that apply:
Type of fuel
Specific stove technology
Is it public funding, private investment or donor support?
Are there social safety/security net programs covering cleaning cooking solutions for low income households?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Institutional incentives
Are there provisions to support public institutions in getting incentives/subsidies for clean cooking solutions? For e.g., for school meal programs.
Yes - 100, No - 0
Specify the aspects that apply:
Type of fuel
Specific stove technology
Are there programs for commercial entities to invest in efficient, low-emission stoves? Please indicate the year in which each program was first made available
Yes - 100, No - 0
Supplier incentives
Are there duty exemptions, tax benefits, and/or subsidies to support clean cooking solutions suppliers? Please indicate the year in which each financing facility was first made available
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is it public funding, private investment or donor support?
Specify the aspects that apply:
Duty exemptions
Tax benefits
Type of fuel
Specific stove technology
Is there business development support available for private sector for capacity building?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there targeted incentives for gender inclusion (for e.g., for women led businesses)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a fund supporting business innovation or R&D?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Institutions and Meeting Targets
Is there an institution responsible for tracking progress in renewable energy development?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there any periodic reporting mechanism for renewable energy progress?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a mechanism for adjusting renewable energy planning based on reporting of renewable energy deployment?
Yes - 100, No - 0
What is the Global Electricity Regulatory Index score?
Utility Transparency and Monitoring
Are the financial statements of the largest utility publicly available?
Yes - 25, No - 0
Yes - 25, No - 0
Yes - 25, No - 0
Retail sales
Yes - 25, No - 0
If yes, are they audited by an independent auditor?
Yes - 25, No - 0
Yes - 25, No - 0
Yes - 25, No - 0
Retail sales
Yes - 25, No - 0
Are the following metrics published in a primary official document (by the utility, regulator or ministry and/or government)?
Generation - Electricity available for sale to end-users
Yes - 25, No - 0
Transmission - Transmission loss rate
Yes - 25, No - 0
Distribution - Distribution loss rate
Yes - 25, No - 0
Retail Sales – Bill collection rate
Yes - 25, No - 0
Is the utility operating an incidence/outage recording system (or SCADA/EMS with such functionality)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the utility measuring SAIDI and SAIFI or any other measurements for service reliability?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are the measurements reported to the regulatory body?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are the measurements available to public?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Electricity targets, laws, strategies and programs
Does a renewable energy target, either national or international (e.g. Nationally Determined Contributions, both conditional or unconditional) exist for electricity?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the country have a law/strategy/plan/programme to achieve the electricity targets?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Electricity quotas, mandates and certificates
Are there quotas, obligations and/or mandates for renewables in the electricity sector? (e.g. renewable portfolio standards)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a framework to monitor and penalize non-compliance of the tradable system in the electricity sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a renewable certificate tradable system for new projects that covers the electricity sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a framework to monitor and penalise non-compliance of the tradable system in the electricity sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Electricity pricing instruments
Is there a schedule for future and systematic tenders/auctions available for investors?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are the qualification documents and process to select bidders clearly and transparently available to investors (i.e. an auction website)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there channels for the auctioneer to receive feedback from investors pre- and post-auction (i.e. public consultations)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a schedule or clear rules (e.g. capacity based limits) for adjusting the tariff level over time?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are different feed in tariffs or premiums available for different technologies and sizes of the generation plant?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a mechanism to control the capacity built under each tariff?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there net metering or net billing for renewables?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a mechanism to prevent cross-subsidization among those customers who self-consume and those who do not?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there concessional loans that help overcome the high upfront cost of renewables in the electricity sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Market Design
Does the legal framework allow for private sector electricity generation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the market follow an economic dispatch of power plants (locational marginal pricing, merit order)? (even without a competitive wholesale power market)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a value-based approach in place that minimizes overall power system costs, not just RE generation costs alone?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is the sector unbundled and liberalized so that the private sector can participate in transmission, distribution and retail and electricity customers can purchase power directly from a third party they choose?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Renewable grid integration
Are generation and transmission planning integrated and include the deployment of renewables?:
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the grid code include measures or standards addressing variable renewable energy?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there rules defining the allocation of connection costs and are the connection cost allocation policy considered "deep" (supporting transmission connection for RE generation)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Has the country used, carried out or produced geospatial planning or zoning guidance to inform the commercial development of the RE resource?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Has the geospatial planning or zoning guidance been carried out according to best practices by: i) being undertaken as part of a strategic environmental and social assessment or equivalent process; and ii) by making the outputs publicly available?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the country integrate high quality forecasting for any variable RE resources (either through subscription service or provided by national agencies) into their dispatch operations?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Risk Mitigation
Are PPA tariffs indexed to inflation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are consumers and prosumers exposed to time-dependent pricing (i.e. time-of-use tariffs)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
If the counterparty is a special purpose entity, is it underwritten by a government guarantee or are there other mechanisms to ensure credit worthiness (e.g. through a letter of credit, escrow account, payment guarantee, or other)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there provisions to compensate seller if offtake infrastructure is not built in time?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there mechanisms to compensate RE projects for lost generation due to certain curtailments after project commissioning?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Heating and Cooling targets, laws, strategies and programs
Does a renewable energy target, either national or international (e.g. Nationally Determined Contributions, both conditional or unconditional) exist for heating and/or cooling?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the country have a law/strategy/plan/program to achieve the heating and cooling targets?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Heating and Cooling quotas, mandates and certificates
Are there quotas, obligations and/or mandates for renewables in the heating and cooling sector? (e.g. solar water heater mandates)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a framework to monitor and penalize non-compliance of the quotas and mandates in the heating sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a renewable certificate tradable system for new projects that covers the heating and cooling sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a framework to monitor and penalize non-compliance of the tradable system in the heating sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there bans on fossil fuels for heating (e.g. ban on natural gas appliances)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do national or local building codes set renewable energy requirements for heating and cooling?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Heating and cooling pricing instruments
Are there feed-in tariffs or premiums for heat (and power co-)generation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there concessional loans that help overcome the high upfront cost of renewables in the heating and cooling sectors?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Transport targets, laws, strategies and programs
Does the country have a law/strategy/plan/programme to achieve the transport targets?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Transport quotas, mandates and certificates
Are there quotas, obligations and/or mandates for renewables in the transport sector? (e.g. ethanol or biodiesel blends)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do the renewable fuel standards cover:
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a framework to monitor and penalise non-compliance of the quotas and mandates in the transport sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a renewable certificate tradable system that covers the transport sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a framework to monitor and penalize non-compliance of the tradable system in the heating sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do the tradeable certificates cover:
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Transport pricing instruments
Are there concessional loans to encourage the use of any of the following non-fossil fuel powered modes of transportation?
Electric/hybrid vehicles, including 2/3 wheel vehicles
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Hydrogen vehicles
Yes - 100, No - 0
Electrification of public transportation
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does public procurement in transport include the use of renewable carriers (e.g. use of renewable electricity for public transportation fleets)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Leveling the playing field for renewables
Is there GHG emissions coverage under any carbon pricing mechanism?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a monitoring, reporting and verification system for greenhouse gas emissions in place?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there mechanisms to compensate or protect low-income households for the regressive effects of carbon pricing?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Has a fossil fuel subsidy removal reform been enacted?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there mechanisms to compensate or protect low-income households for the regressive effects of fossil fuel subsidy phase-out/removal?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
National energy efficiency legislation/ action planning
Is there a legal framework in place or a national action plan that aims to increase energy efficiency adoption?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there an energy efficiency goal or target at the national level?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there carbon reduction targets in place that include EE for the following sectors?
Residential sector
Yes - 20, No - 0
Commercial services sector
Yes - 20, No - 0
Transport sector
Yes - 20, No - 0
Industrial sector
Yes - 20, No - 0
Power sector
Yes - 20, No - 0
Are targets derived from detailed analysis that is publicly available?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic progress reports tracking data related to the efficiency target(s)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Human capital and institutions
Are there governmental and/or independent bodies that carry out the roles listed below:
Setting EE strategy
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Setting EE standards
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Regulating EE activities of energy consumers
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Certifying compliance with equipment EE standards
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Certifying compliance with building EE standards
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Selecting and/or approving third-party auditors tasked with certifying EE standards
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Are energy efficiency programs developed based on market analyses with plans open to public consultation and periodic evaluation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there professional certification/accreditation programs mandated for energy efficiency activities? Select all that apply:
Yes to at least 1 - 100, No to all - 0
Energy auditing/energy management
Yes - 100, No - 0
Monitoring and verification of energy consumption/savings
Yes - 100, No - 0
Building energy efficiency construction/design
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Mandates for large consumers
Are there any of the following energy-efficiency mandates for large energy users?
Targets (e.g. kWh savings or lower energy intensity or carbon dioxide reductions, etc.)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Mandatory audits
Yes - 100, No - 0
Energy-management system (computer technologies to optimize energy use)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Energy Manager in the facility
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there penalties in place for non-compliance with EE programs for large energy users?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting of energy consumption in order to enforce and/or track progress of energy efficiency in large consumers' facilities?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a measurement and verification program in place?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Incentives for commercial and industrial consumers
Is there a program to publicly recognize end users who have achieved significant energy savings measures?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there awareness programs or publicized case study examples of significant energy savings measures?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Does the program offer technical assistance (from a government or independent entity) to end users to identify energy savings investment opportunities?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there an energy efficiency mandate or incentive program for SMEs?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Obligations for public infrastructure
Are there binding energy savings obligations for public buildings and/or other public facilities (may include water supply, wastewater services, municipal solid waste, street lighting, transportation, and heat supply)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a financing mechanism in place to support EE retrofitting in the public and/or private sector?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a reporting mechanism to track and enforce energy savings in public sector facilities (either in-house or by a third party)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Public procurement of energy efficiency products
Are there specific policies or mandated guidelines for public procurement of energy-efficient products and services on the following levels?
National level
Yes - 100, No - 0
Region/state/province level
Yes - 100, No - 0
Municipal/city/county level
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there guidelines or tools to help identify energy-efficient options for procurement (eg: EE calculators, technical specifications, product rating catalogues)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do public budgeting regulations and practices allow public entities to retain energy savings at the following levels? Tick all applicable levels:
National level
Yes - 100, No - 0
Region/state/province level
Yes - 100, No - 0
Municipal/city/county level
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Utility EE Programs
Are there "mandated regulations" for utilities to carry out energy efficiency activities?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there penalties in place for non-compliance with EE requirements?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are any of the following mechanisms available for utilities to recover costs associated with or revenue lost from mandated energy efficiency activities:
Public budget financing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Consumer surcharge
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Utility Consumer Pricing and Information
Are electricity tariffs cost-reflective?
Yes - 100, No - 0
is there a metering mechanism in place that measures TOU within the residential, commercial services, and industrial sectors?
Residential sector
Real-time pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Variable peak pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Critical peak pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Seasonal rate
Yes - 100, No - 0
Peak-time rebates and/or time of day tariffs
Yes - 100, No - 0
Commercial services sector
Real-time pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Variable peak pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Critical peak pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Seasonal rate
Yes - 100, No - 0
Peak-time rebates and/or time of day tariffs
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial sector
Real-time pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Variable peak pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Critical peak pricing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Seasonal rate
Yes - 100, No - 0
Peak-time rebates and/or time of day tariffs
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do customers receive a bill or report which compares them to other users in the same region and/or usage class?
Residential customers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Commercial customers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial customers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Do customers receive a bill or report that shows their energy usage compared to previous bills or reports over time?
Residential customers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Commercial customers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial customers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Which of the following charges do electricity customers pay in the commercial services sector and in the industrial sector?
Commercial services sector
Demand (kW)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Reactive power (kVAr)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial sector
Demand (kW)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Reactive power (kVAr)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Financing mechanisms available in each sector
Are there "national financial coverage" mechanisms in place for energy efficiency activities in each sector?
Residential sector
Discounted "green" mortgages
Yes - 100, No - 0
On-bill financing/repayment
Yes - 100, No - 0
Credit lines and/or revolving funds with banks for energy efficiency activities
Yes - 100, No - 0
Energy services agreements (pay-for-performance contracts)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Green or energy efficiency bonds
Yes - 100, No - 0
Vendor credit and/or leasing for energy efficiency activities
Yes - 100, No - 0
Partial risk guarantees
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Commercial services sector
Discounted "green" mortgages
Yes - 100, No - 0
On-bill financing/repayment
Yes - 100, No - 0
Credit lines and/or revolving funds with banks for energy efficiency activities
Yes - 100, No - 0
Energy services agreements (pay-for-performance contracts)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Green or energy efficiency bonds
Yes - 100, No - 0
Vendor credit and/or leasing for energy efficiency activities
Yes - 100, No - 0
Partial risk guarantees
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial sector
Discounted "green" mortgages
Yes - 100, No - 0
On-bill financing/repayment
Yes - 100, No - 0
Credit lines and/or revolving funds with banks for energy efficiency activities
Yes - 100, No - 0
Energy services agreements (pay-for-performance contracts)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Green or energy efficiency bonds
Yes - 100, No - 0
Vendor credit and/or leasing for energy efficiency activities
Yes - 100, No - 0
Partial risk guarantees
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
What is the share of financial and/or non-financial institutions which offer credit lines for energy efficiency investments in each sector?
For each sector, More than 50% – 100, Between 25% to 50% – 100, Between 10% to 25% – 100, Between 1% to 10% – 100, None – 0 Average of the 3 sectors
Residential sector
Yes - 100, No - 0
Commercial sector
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial sector
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Have minimum energy performance standards been adopted for?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning (HVAC)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Lighting equipment
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial electric motors
Yes - 100, No - 0
Other industrial equipment and/or domestic appliances
Yes - 100, No - 0
Light vehicles
Yes - 100, No - 0
Verification and penalties for non-compliance
Are the standards mandatory?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance with standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a place for "testing certification" of EE standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is the verification of compliance with standards carried out by a "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a penalty for non-compliance with energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Are the standards mandatory?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance with standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a place for "testing certification" of EE standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is the verification of compliance with standards carried out by a "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a penalty for non-compliance with energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Lighting equipment
Are the standards mandatory?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance with standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a place for "testing certification" of EE standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is the verification of compliance with standards carried out by a "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a penalty for non-compliance with energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Industrial electric motors
Are the standards mandatory?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance with standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a place for "testing certification" of EE standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is the verification of compliance with standards carried out by a "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a penalty for non-compliance with energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Other industrial equipment and/or domestic appliances
Are the standards mandatory?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance with standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a place for "testing certification" of EE standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is the verification of compliance with standards carried out by a "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a penalty for non-compliance with energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Light vehicles
Are the standards mandatory?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance with standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a place for "testing certification" of EE standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is the verification of compliance with standards carried out by a "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a penalty for non-compliance with energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency standards?
Yes - 16.7, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning (HVAC)
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Have energy efficiency labeling schemes been adopted for?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning (HVAC)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Lighting equipment
Yes - 100, No - 0
Industrial electric motors
Yes - 100, No - 0
Other industrial equipment and/or domestic appliances
Yes - 100, No - 0
Transport vehicles
Yes - 100, No - 0
Mandatory vs voluntary labeling system
Are any of the above labeling schemes mandatory?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency labels?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Heating, ventilation and/or air conditioning (HVAC)
Are any of the above labeling schemes mandatory?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency labels?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Lighting equipment
Are any of the above labeling schemes mandatory?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency labels?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Industrial electric motors
Are any of the above labeling schemes mandatory?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency labels?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Other industrial equipment and/or domestic appliances
Are any of the above labeling schemes mandatory?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency labels?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Transport vehicles
Are any of the above labeling schemes mandatory?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Is there a periodic update of standards to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for energy efficiency labels?
Yes - 50, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
New residential and commercial buildings EE
Is there a national heating or cooling strategy in place?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a national standard or regulation for "near zero energy buildings"?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there energy efficiency codes for new residential buildings?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there energy efficiency codes for new commercial buildings?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are there targets or incentives in place for green buildings?
Yes - 100, No - 0
What % of buildings are actually certified "green" or energy efficient according to the incentive scheme?
Existing buildings EE incentives and mandates
Are renovated buildings required to meet a building energy code, in residential and commercial sectors?
Residential sector
Yes - 50, No - 0
Commercial sector
Yes - 50, No - 0
Are the building energy efficiency standards required to be updated on a regular basis to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for building energy efficiency?
Is there a mandatory standardized rating or labeling system for the energy performance of existing buildings?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are commercial and residential buildings required to disclose property energy usage at the point of sale or when leased?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Are large commercial and residential buildings required to disclose property energy usage annually?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Building EE verification and compliance
Are building energy efficiency standards required to be updated on a regular basis to reflect technological advances and changes in best practices for building energy efficiency?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is commission testing for energy efficiency required for final building acceptance documentation?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is verification carried out by "credible verification scheme" (such as an independent third party)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Sub Indicators
Scoring System
Private transport
Regularly scheduled teleworking
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance or progress of the program(s)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Car sharing
Yes - 100, No - 0
Public transit subsidies for consumers
Yes - 100, No - 0
Congestion charges
Yes - 100, No - 0
Electric vehicle programs
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Commercial and/or industrial transport
Are there any mandate or incentive programs that support reduction of transport demands or shifts to more energy-efficient modes of transport for commercial and/or industrial use, such as:
Heavy-duty vehicle fuel economy standards (data already collected in Indicator 10 can be scored here)
Yes - 100, No - 0
Freight rail mandatory fuel economy standards or efficiency incentives
Yes - 100, No - 0
Energy efficiency procurement standards or incentives for municipal rail and bus fleets
Yes - 100, No - 0
Efficient fuel-switching mandate or incentive programs for commercial/ industrial vehicle fleets
Yes - 100, No - 0
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a requirement for periodic reporting to verify compliance or prog- ress of the program(s)?
Yes - 100, No - 0
Is there a national database or national reporting system to periodically track and report the following transport efficiency metrics:
Fuel per mile driven
Yes - 100, No - 0
Average distance traveled per vehicle
Yes - 100, No - 0
Distance traveled by public transit as a share of total passenger distance traveled
Yes - 100, No - 0
Vehicle miles traveled per capita
Yes - 100, No - 0