Transport - targets and plans
Is there an assessment of the needs for heating and cooling in buildings and industry in the country and of how renewables can contribute?
Is there a specific target for renewables for transport?
Resource data and siting
Has the geospatial planning or zoning guidance been carried out according to best practices by: i) being undertaken as part of a strategic environmental and social assessment or equivalent process; and ii) by making the outputs publicly available?
Has the country carried out geospatial planning or produced zoning guidance to inform the commercial development of the RE resource?
Renewable energy in generation and transmission planning
Is planning for dispatch included in the generation and transmission plan?
Is generation and transmission planning integrated?
Does the current transmission planning consider renewable energy scale-up?
Does electricity generation planning include renewable energy development?
Institutions and meeting targets
Is there any periodic reporting mechanism for renewable energy progress?
Is there an institution responsible for tracking progress in renewable energy development?
Is there a mechanism for adjusting the plan based on reporting of renewable energy deployment?
Does the renewable plan or strategy estimate the amount of investment necessary to meet the RE target?
Heating and Cooling - targets and plans
Is there an assessment of the needs for heating and cooling in buildings and industry in the country and of how renewables can contribute?
Is there a specific target for renewables for heating and cooling?
Electricity - targets and plans
Is there an assessment of the role of renewables in electricity supply?
Is there a target for renewables in electricity?
Country Scores
There are no country scores for this indicator