Utility Transparency and Monitoring
Transmission - Transmission loss rate
Retail Sales - Bill collection rate
Retail sales
Retail sales
Is the utility operating an incidence/outage recording system (or SCADA/EMS with such functionality)?
Is the utility measuring the SAIDI and SAIFI or any other measurements for service reliability?
If yes, are they audited by an independent auditor?
Generation - Electricity available for sale to end-users
Distribution - Distribution loss rate
Are the measurements reported to the regulatory body?
Are the measurements available to public?
Are the following metrics published in a primary official document (by the utility, regulator or ministry and/or government)?
Are the financial statements of the largest utility publicly available?
Payment risk mitigation
If the counterparty is a special purpose entity, is it underwritten by a government guarantee or are there other mechanisms to ensure credit worthiness (e.g. through a letter of credit, escrow account, payment guarantee, or other)?
Are standard PPAs bankable?
Country Scores
There are no country scores for this indicator