Financial and regulatory support for transport
Hydrogen vehicles
Hydrogen vehicles
Electrification of public transportation
Electrification of public transportation
Electric/hybrid vehicles, including 2/3 wheel vehicles
Electric/hybrid vehicles, including 2/3 wheel vehicles
Are there any policies to encourage the transport sector to adopt cleaner (biofuel, electric, hydrogen) powered modes of transportation?
Are specific regulatory measures designed to encourage the use of any of the following non-fossil fuel powered modes of transportation?
Are specific financial support measures designed to encourage the use of any of the following non-fossil fuel powered modes of transportation?
Financial and regulatory support for Heating and Cooling
Are there specific regulatory measures designed to encourage the use of renewables in the heating and cooling sectors?
Are there specific financial support measures designed to encourage the use of renewables in the heating and cooling sectors?
Are there any policies to encourage deployment of any renewable energy heating and cooling technologies?
Financial and regulatory support for electricity
Does the government publish clear and practical guidance on what permissions are required to develop a RE electricity project?
Does the government offer the following direct fiscal incentives for renewable electricity (eg: capital subsidies, grants, tax incentives)?
Does the country offer long-term PPAs for renewable electricity production by small-scale producers(e.g. via. feed-in-tariffs, PPAs awarded through auctions etc.)
Does the country offer long-term PPAs for renewable electricity production by large-scale producers(e.g. via. feed-in-tariffs, PPAs awarded through auctions etc.)
Electricity grid access and dispatch
Is the compensation due because of curtailment actually given out?
Does the country provide prioritized access to the grid for RE?
Do RE projects receive priority in dispatch?
Are there provisions to compensate seller if offtake infrastructure is not built in time?
Are there mechanisms to compensate RE projects for lost generation due to certain curtailments after project commissioning?
Country Scores
There are no country scores for this indicator