Data collection in Panama was led by GreenMax Capital Advisors, under the supervision of Alexander Labua, Patrick Longmire, Sylvana Bohrt, and Louise Soubrier. The RISE team is grateful for the contribution of all those who participated in the data collection. Listed below are those who agreed to be acknowledged:
Mr. Mario Saavedra
Empresa de Transmision Electrica S.A. (ETESA)
Mr. (Ing.) Eduardo Gonzlez Benson
Protection, Control & Automation Engineerging, S.A. (PCA Engineering, S.A.)
Mr. Elas Polonsky
Zun Energia S.A.
Mr. Roberto Forte
Panama Green Building Council
Mr. Fernando Vargas
Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Publicos (ASEP)
Ms. (Arq.) Patricia Forjn
Edita Panama, Eficiencia Energetica
Guadalupe Gonzalez
National Energy Secretariat (SNE)
Marta Bernal
National Energy Secretariat (SNE)
Mario Saavedra
Oscar Rendoll
William Holness
Independent Consultant